The Sprinter Affirmation Page

This page has a growing library of affirmations specifically for sprinters. When fractions of a second count, your mindset could be the difference. Put your mind on your side with these sprinter affirmations.

Sprinter Affirmations

1.      I am the fastest of the fast.

2.      My body is a finely tuned machine always ready go out and win a race.

3.      I am great sprinter and I get better every time I run.

  1. I am an elite sprinter, with elite speed.

5.      I am a great sprinter. I am fast out of the block and I always finish the deal.

6.      I am a great sprinter. I always close fast at the end of a race.

7.      My lane. My race. That’s what I focus on.

8.      When I run my race, I am unbeatable.

9.      When I line up in the blocks, I have the mental edge over my opponents.

10.  When I line up in the blocks, I have the athletic edge over my opponents.

11.  A great sprinter lives within me and today that sprinter shows up on the track.

12.  The more I run, the faster I get. The faster I get, the more I win.

13.  National records and world records are all on the table for me.

14.  I out-work, out-think, and out-run my competition.

15.  My body and my mind always operate at peak efficiency when I run.

16.  Today I run right through my limits and find glory on the other side.

17.  I am committed to being an elite sprinter, and it shows in my results.

18.  Running makes me strong. The more I run, the stronger I am.

19.  I demand a lot from my body and my body always responds.

20.  When it’s all said and done, my name will be listed among the greatest sprinters of all time.

21.  I am confident, and I back it up on the track.

22.  With every race, I'm building my championship legacy.

23.  When the competition is tough, my inner winner, shows up and runs me to victory.

24.  I have the records and the hardware to prove my greatness.

25.  This is my race, and no one is going to take it away from me.

26.  I have trained to win this race. I have sacrificed to win this race. I am going to win this race.

27.  I am a champion.