Silence Your Inner Critic/Skeptic Affirmations

Note: The audio download version is the same affirmations and sounds, but longer with more repetitions.

We all know that voice. The one that say, "You can't, you could never," when you have a big goal or aspiration. Many have referred to this as your inner critic. It stomps on your confidence and shatters your dreams in the starting gate, if permitted. It constantly generates turbulence and doubt and, when all else fails, attacks you mercilessly in an attempt to limit you. This voice within appears in those moments when you’re at your lowest and weakest and kicks you in the gut just for good measure.

The affirmations above will help you deal with your inner critic/skeptic and move forward with your dreams. Listened to regularly and with repetition, these affirmations infuse your subconscious mind with a new paradigm for situations like that. This version is spoken by a whispering male voice (headphones or earbuds recommended) and it set to the relaxing sounds of the ocean surf. This is great one to take a five-minute break in your day, relax, let go, and undo your inner critic.

More About Your Inner Critic

Today I call on you to silence that critic, but not in the way you might suspect. The temptation might be to fight fire with fire and silence it by becoming angry or hostile towards it and at yourself for allowing it to spew its toxic thinking all over your aspirations.

I ask you to see who it really is. It’s the small child that was picked last for the playground team. It’s the wounded child that felt the pain of every setback and hardened a shell around itself for protection. It’s the child that was mistreated by the world and vowed never again. Be gentle with it. Show it love and compassion. Reassure it that going after your dreams and trusting other people is OK and even necessary.

Win it over to your cause until that inner critic, like the proverbial caterpillar, transforms into your most ardent supporter; always quietly saying, “You can,” rather than “You can’t.”

With time, effort, and patience, your inner critic becomes your inner cheerleader.

Thank you for your support of TAS. Wherever you are on your journey today, remember you are awesome!
