7 Simple Mindsets That Would Change Everything


Hello, my fellow affirmers!

We all know where anger, division, and fear have gotten us. Here are seven simple mindsets, that if enough people believed them and embodied them, would change this world immediately. Let us each commit to being someone who leads the way on this.

Have a fantastic day and put your mind on your side!

  1. We can all have a better lives.

  2. We can have a kinder, more enlightened world.

  3. We can treat each other with respect and dignity without losing anything of ourselves.

  4. There is more than enough for everyone to live an abundant life.

  5. Every person has a right to pursue a life that harms no one else on their own terms.

  6. People are the bottom line not money.

  7. There is no shortage of resources. There’s only a shortage of sharing.