The Success Affirmations Page

Welcome to the TAS Success Affirmations Page

Everyone has their own definition of success, and it can be hard to find the right affirmations to help you achieve your goals. Success affirmations are positive statements that help you stay focused on your goals and keep your motivation levels high. They can also help you develop a positive mindset, which is essential for achieving success in any area of life. By finding the right affirmations for yourself, you will be able to take steps towards achieving the success that means something to you.

Please bookmark this page for our ever-growing list of success affirmations.

  1. Today I am absolutely committed to being the person I came to the planet to be.

  2. I have the talent and determination to succeed big and today I do.

  3. Success is the natural outcome of me being truly me.

  4. Today my thoughts set the stage for success and my actions assure it.

  5. Right here, right now I am punching my ticket to the top.

  6. As I learn to celebrate my successes, they are coming one after another.

  7. Today is my day. My successes are expanding and multiplying.

  8. Today I am ready, willing, and able to take my success to the next level.

  9. I am a success magnifier. As I succeed, I help others to succeed too.

  10. My world is what I make of it and I choose to make it a successful place to be.

  11. I create as much success as I am willing to believe in. Today I believe big.

  12. I see success even in my setbacks. Roadblocks are simply shortcuts to something better than I had planned.

  13. I am unstoppable.

  14. Give me an inch of opportunity and I'll convert it into a mile of success.

  15. Today I am sharing my talents with a world thirsty for what I have to offer. Success is mine.

  16. Today my talent and determination are a winning combination for success.

  17. As sure as the Sun comes up, my inner winner shows up and brings me to success.

  18. I am at the top of my game and success is mine.

  19. Today my excuses for failure are replaced by my reasons to succeed.

  20. Today I handle my doubt and fears and become the success I know I am.

  21. I am pushing forward to new successes. Success is now part of my DNA.

  22. Failure is not an option for me. I keep pushing forward to new successes.

  23. I pursue success. I achieve success. I become success.

  24. Today I am bursting through barriers on my way to a successful day.

  25. My life is an ocean of opportunity. I am riding the waves to unprecedented success.

  26. The winds of hope and determination fill my sails, as I set course for another success.

  27. I am determined. I am committed. I am successful.

  28. When I expect the success, I always get it.

  29. Success always finds me.

  30. Today and every day, I am supercharged for success.

  31. I listen to and emulate successful people. As I do, my successes multiply.

  32. My thoughts plus my actions equal my success.

  33. As I take the lead in my life and act with commitment and determination, success follows me everywhere.

  34. Today I bring my best and achieve complete success.

  35. My success is a choice not a chance.

  36. My belief creates opportunities and I convert opportunities into success.

  37. Today I use my failures to fertilize the field of tomorrow's success!

  38. I mobilize success! I multiply success! I magnify success!

  39. I am a success magnet.

Success Affirmations Videos and Downloads

13 Success Affirmations

This compilation includes the first 13 affirmations listed above. These powerful success affirmations help you gear up for more success. Bookmark this page and watch the video as often as you like. This affirmation is set to upbeat music. It’s best listened to as part of your morning routine, in the car, or at the gym.