Speaking It Into Existence

The Universe has your back. Affirmations not only change your thinking. They also change the vibration you’re putting out into the Universe. You are speaking into reality your aspirations.

Consider this. Practically every mythology on the planet states that the Universe was spoken into being. Not only are words powerfully creative within the Universe. They are literally its source, not according to one or two mythological accounts, but according to literally hundreds. Speaking things into existence is as old as time and as powerful as The Universe itself.

Affirmations are simple. String a few powerfully positive words together and infuse your consciousness with them and over. The Universe was literally built to respond to powerful intentions. Make sure you’re consciously giving those intentions to respond to.

You ARE the heir to this process! You can speak a different moment, a different day, a different life into existence. We can can speak a different world into existence.

What do you want to speak into existence today?
