Let Love, Compassion, and Peace Decide You

Something will decide you. Let it be love, compassion, and peace.

If you allow the anger and the vitriol to win, you eventually become filled with it.

If you allow “Us” vs. “Them” to triumph, we’ll wind up with an unhappy cinder of a world.

Be open to change. Be open to new ideas. It’s the way of our Universe. Nothing, nothing, stays the same forever. Stopping change is impossible. We can only hope to mold it into something more productive and that helps more people.

A really famous guy counseled to walk a mile in the other person’s shoes today. If you do, I promise, you’ll find a sympathetic figure wanting most of the same things you want. If one mile doesn’t get tou there, walk two. If you’re still angry at the person, you haven’t walked far enough.

The sky is a big place for a narrow mind and a closed heart. Let yours be opened from horizon to horizon. See with new eyes.

Yes, something will decide you. Let it be love, compassion, and peace.

Just in case no one else has reminded you today, you’re awesome!
