Listen to COVID-19 Coronavirus Affirmations

Listen to these affirmations to reduce stress and anxiety about the COVID-19 pandemic. Listen to the affirmations daily for 21 days and with headphones for best results.The Affirmations

  1. I make smart choices for my health right now.
  2. I am healthy. I am strong. I am vibrant.
  3. My immune system is protecting me right now.
  4. I refuse to allow COVID-19 to steal my peace.
  5. I refuse to allow COVID-19 to steal my joy.
  6. I refuse to allow COVID-19 to steal my well-being.
  7. The antibodies that defeat COVID-19 are doing their work right now.
  8. I am beating COVID-19. We are beating COVID-19.
  9. I am banishing COVID-19. We are banishing COVID-19. WILL get through this!RayWebsite | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | Support Us on PayPal