When Nobody’s Watching - Day 299 of 365 Days to a Better You

Virtually every human being has two versions. Yes, I mean you and I mean me. There's the public you and there's the private you.The public you, unless you've attained sainthood or enlightenment, tries to impress, to fit in, and to stand out. It tends to pretend you've got it all figured out and you're damn near flawless. It's the "Facebook self" you present to the world.Don't misunderstand me you're every bit the one in a trillion miracle we've talked about previously. It's just that you and I are still works in progress.Then there's the other you...the person you are when nobody's watching. This is the person your public side tries desperately to hide. This person has imperfect thoughts and sometimes does imperfect things. It's the person you'd be embarrassed to show the world...the person you wish you weren't.Take heart! You're not alone! This is an ubiquitous human experience. Practically every person you meet is struggling with this same dichotomy.Consider this. Don't feel ashamed of that private self or beat yourself up over it. It's an amazing blessing in disguise. It's a great barometer for measuring who you honestly are compared to who you fervently aspire to be. That self makes it real in a way your Facebook self would never tolerate. Without such truth-telling, how can you ever hope to be your best self?It's the great work of your life to bring that real you into ever better alignment with your aspirational you.Here are five easy (not simple) steps you can take to make it so.

  1. Take honest stock. Where are you really?
  2. Where do you want to be? Get as clear a vision as possible of who you want your private self to be.
  3. How will you bridge the gap between the two? What do you need to start doing? What do you need to stop doing? What do you need to do more of?
  4. See yourself and speak yourself and act yourself into a better you each day.
  5. Absolutely unquestionably know that you have an enlightened being living within you and ready to emerge if you're willing to do the work.

I love each and every one of your private selves. If no one else has reminded you today, you are AWESOME!RayWebsite | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | Support Us on PayPal