Open Hearts Open Minds - Day 295 of 365 Days to a Better You

Open hearts open minds. Open minds open everything else. It's virtually impossible to create a better version of you or a better world with a closed mind or a closed heart.Change, by definition, is about openness to new ideas and new possibilities. It's not as if you live in a universe that gives you a choice. That universe is in constant motion whether you are or not.Setting your feet in cemented ideas may feel safe and it may feel strong, but at the end of the day, you spend all your energy trying to stay in place against the current of change.Now, of course not all change is automatically positive. Fortunately, you are a powerful creator able to shape the change that flows through your life and into the world.Here are some quotes and #RayQuotes to inspire you to be more open, receptive, and co-creative in this ever-changing world.

    ANYTHING is possible for determined minds and open hearts.
    Minds are like parachutes. They only function when they are open. -Sir James Dewar
    Open hands can capture nourishing rain water. Closed hands just get wet. Minds are like hands.
    Closed minds expand limitations. Open minds expand possibilities.
    What the world needs is Paul Reveres sounding the alarm to the closed hearts and minds everywhere that it's time to open.
    Let us open our minds to see beyond the problems of the moment and envision possibilities inherent in our vast Universe.
    Free hearts and open open minds the world over are saying, "Enough". The few must no longer rule the many.
    What good is an open society, if it is filled with closed minds? Let's create a world where open minds embrace open society.
    With open eyes, is the truth seen. With closed minds, is the truth obscured.
    Open hearts open minds. Open minds open everything.

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