Selfish You - Day 269 of 365 Days to a Better You

It's not always selfish to put yourself first, nor selfless to put others first. Wisdom is knowing when to do which.From selfless in the last post to selfish today. Not to worry. It's the good kind of selfish. Here's my question for you. Are you selfish enough with your time to pursue your goals and dreams?This is a hard one for many people. Life is demanding. Most of us have to work. We have to sleep, eat, commute, and run errands. We have family, friend, and community commitments. We're programmed to say yes to things and there's noting wrong with that except...except when a big dream you have is constantly the 10th down in your to-do list. That's a deal-breaker.When you find this happening consistently, you have to get selfish or say goodbye to your dreams. You have to say a word many of us have been conditioned not to say. That word is no. You have to do it even when people you care about don't understand.Here's the thing. Having dreams doesn't make you unique. Almost everyone has dreams. What makes you rare is that you have a determination to see yours to fruition. Most people sideline their dreams, allowing life to swallow them whole.It takes strength to stay on course against that tide constantly trying to pull you away from your shore. It takes determination to keep going when everyone around you oozes, "What's the point?"I'm not telling you to ice out your friends and family or shirk life's responsibilities. I am telling you that you that, if you allow it, your dreams will never naturally rise to the top. There's no perfect moment when this and this and that is done. There's no time when you're obligations are going to green light the time you need to pursue your dreams.You have to take the time, take the heat, and miss some things everyone else is doing. If your dream matters enough, though, it's the price to be paid for them.If that price seems too high, you're not pursuing the right dream. Find your balance and you'll find your mountaintop.I wish you nothing but the best until we meet again!RayWebsite | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | Support Us