RayQuotes #9 - Consciousness Quotes

Here are some quotes I've coined and tweeted over the years about living consciously. May you find a gem or two for you Amor g them.

  • We are the unconscious product of our environment, until we choose to be the conscious product of our choices.
  • My life is a single and unique instance in time and space of a vast and eternal consciousness.
  • Our thoughts are tremors for the earthquake of reality. Our collective consciousness creates our collective experience.
  • One heart lifted raises the whole world's consciousness.
  • Be conscious of the vibration you are sending out into the Universe. Remember it's coming back to you.
  • Too much TV causes us to become vicarious observers rather than conscious actors and creators.
  • Beware of those constantly trying to plant a "sky is falling" mindset in your consciousness.
  • When we are unconscious and without focus, we are left wondering how we got where we are. Get conscious, get focused.
  • 99% of the anger, hatred, prejudice you have in your mind was planted there by others. It's time for conscious replanting.
  • The sun is rising; the clouds have passed away. And in the minds of at least a few, a greater consciousness has arisen. RT
  • We need to get this crystal clear in our heads. The world is not something out there that happens to us. The future is not beyond our control. We are creating both right now with every thought, feeling, word, and action. They key is to get conscious about those.
  • We clearly understand that there is a conscious effort to condition us to fear each other and remain divided. We must stop allowing it.
  • Our culture is obsessed by being against evil rather than for good. Subtle difference of consciousness, massive in effect!
  • It's not enough to just think positive. Positive thinking comes to life through action and conscious choosing.
  • We are unconscious slaves to the past, until we become conscious choosers of the future.
  • When our consciousness is focused on finding the worst in "them", we generally expose the worst in us.
  • Fame is a fickle friend, but greatness is a daily and conscious choice.
  • Neither change for change's sake nor same for tradition's sake is the way forward. Let us make conscious choices.
  • There is nothing useful in conscious poverty or unconscious wealth, but conscious wealth creation helps you and helps you help others.
  • Your mind is being conditioned by someone every day. Be as conscious of the ideas you ingest as you are of the food.
  • Whatever you believe tends to come your way. Be conscious of what you're believing.
  • Law of Attraction works for nations as it works for people. Nations constantly attracting conflict into consciousness, soon have it.
  • Conscious choices or unconscious choices; which are you building your life from today?
  • Positive thinking is a beginning, but empowered, conscious thinking is the goal.
  • We are the conscious eyes of the Universe.
  • The words you use to describe your life now predict your life in the future. Be conscious of your words.
  • Happiness is not a destination, it is a conscious decision made daily; it is a choice to be happy and it IS MY choice!
  • Empowerment goes beyond even positive thinking. It's about being a totally conscious, sovereign human being.
  • The breakthrough is to understand we aren't many minds seeking to be one consciousness, but one consciousness alive in many minds.

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