Always Have a Student's Heart - Day 184 of 365 Days to a Better You

Take the attitude of a student, never be too big to ask questions, never know too much to learn something new.~Og Mandino

One of the problems with becoming an expert on any topic is that it causes you to think you know it all or at least know all the possibilities. Life and the universe are complex. It's unlikely that human expertise gained in the course of a single lifetime can ever make you beyond learning more.Wayne Dyer used to talk about this subject. He told a story of an professor in Buddhism who had always wanted to meet this one particular teacher. He was overjoyed to finally meet him and went about talking and talking about all he knew about Buddhism.The teacher asked the professor if he'd like some tea. The professor agreed and kept on talking. The teacher handed the professor a cup and saucer and started pouring. He filled the cup. Then the tea went over the rim and onto the saucer. The man kept talking and the monk kept pouring. Finally, the tea topped the saucer and began pouring onto the professor's pants.The professor stopped the monk and said, "The cup is full." The monk replied, "You are like the cup. You're so full of what you know that you are not open to learning anything new."It is my fervent hope that the universe does not have to pour tea on you to help you see there's still plenty for you to learn. Stay open to new ideas, new possibilities, and new paradigms. For the wisest among us, is he or she that maintains the perpetual heart of a student.You ARE amazing! Let nothing that happens to you today convince you otherwise!RayWebsite | YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | Support Us