Harmonize Your Personal Spaces - Day 181 of 365 Days to a Better You

It must be 20 plus years now since I was first introduced to the concept of Feng Shui. Even my already mature mind for eastern spirituality was a bit skeptical at first. What possible difference could the arrangement of items around you have with the positive or negative energies flowing through your day and your life?I never thought much about it until a couple years ago I noticed that the personal spaces - home, work, and recreational - that I inhabit do have a perceptible effect on my mindset and my well-being. Now, don't get me wrong. I've dealt with challenging circumstances and spaces before, but why would I want to do it when I can simply create the spaces that inspire me? Why not do all you can to give yourself momentum without the extra work? Save that for real challenges you'll face on the way to your dreams.The biggest thing I've learned is that kinds of spaces that work for one person don't necessarily vibe with another. The most important thing is know what kinds of spaces provide a high-energy boost to your life. It might be a really nice office space or it might be sitting a top a John Deere seeding row after row in a field. Whatever works for you and puts you in the best possible frame of mind, gives you the best energy is what it needs to be for you.I've slowly learned over the years that harmonizing your personal spaces really matters and can make a huge difference in your day and your life.Missed previous 365 Days to a Better You posts? You can find them all here.Ray