Dealing with One of Those Days - Day 81 of 365 Days to a Better You

What do you do when it's just one of those days?

We all know it! "Life," as the saying goes, "is not always a bed of roses." Some days, despite your best intentions and efforts, go off the rails early and often. That's just part of the human condition.Today was one of those days for me. I had a plan this morning and by midday it felt like I'd not had the time I needed to get to my agenda. I felt frustrated. I'm sure you can relate.Who we are when that happens - when life squeezes us - says a lot about us. Wayne Dyer talked about our reactions under pressure in one of his famous PBS fund-raising talks.[embed width="123" height="456"][/embed]Wayne makes such an important point here. We can feel all evolved and educated and zen and then life happens. Someone says something to you on social media that sets you off. The news is all negative. Your plan for the day has gone down in flames.What comes out of you? Well, I didn't like what was welling up in me. That "poor me" voice was taking over.I closed the door to my office for a few minutes. I closed my eyes, took a few deep breaths, and did a little self-talk. I reminded myself, "Ray, you know you have some karma to wear off. Today is as good a day as any. Even if today doesn't go as planned, your big picture is still on track. These days happen to everyone and you're not exempt. Keep doing what you're doing and good things will happen."I opened my door and continued with my day and this afternoon has gone much better. I accomplished a couple of key things on the day job, I took a nice stroll in with my black lab in a gentle rain, and now I'm sitting here writing to you. Life is good!You and I are going to have days like this as long as we draw breath here on this tiny planet. Keep in mind we have amazing days that more than balance them out. Keep being you. Keep smelling the flowers even when you just stepped know. Most of all, keep on dancing, even if it rains!Have a GREAT evening!RayThanks reading the blog! I've been adding new videos almost every day to the YouTube channel, if you haven't visited, please do. If you like what you see, please subscribe. I have a goal to reach 1000 subscribers in 2019 and I'm just 35 percent of the way there.