Why Me Syndrome - Day 58 - 365 Days to a Better You

"In times like these," the late Paul Harvey once observed, "it helps to recall there have always been times like these."

Have you ever been standing nearby when someone says, "Why does this always happen to me?" Have you ever said it yourself? I certainly have from time-to-time. It normally leaves our mouths in a moment of unconscious exasperation when we'd readily believe the entire universe had aligned for the specific purpose of cheating us.Truth is that proverbial "this," whatever it may be, doesn't happen to us alone. These sorts of things happen to all of us. The light turns red just as you approach the intersection. The grocery line moves particularly slowly. Someone else gets the last ticket to the sold out concert.The difference in your perspective is that you are present every single time something like that does happen to you. You're not present when it happens to your brother, mother, friend, spouse, child or enemy. Thus, it feels like it only happens to you.I've always loved the above Paul Harvey quote. When you face one of those moments when the formation of the solar system seems like a vast plot to stick it to you, think about this quote. Replace the phrase, "times like these," with the phrase, "moments like these."It's true. There have always been moments like these and they happen to everyone all the time. It's part of the human experience.Power hack: If the gentle reminder of this quote doesn't achieve the desired shift in perspective, consider this. Call to mind three or four moments when it felt like the universe bent over backwards to see your dreams to fruition. Recall moments when it felt like the clouds parted and the sun shone just for you.As surely as we've all had the "Why Me" moments, we've had a bundle of moments that fill us with gratitude. In the big scheme of things, the universe really does rain blessings and setbacks on everyone in a relatively equal way.I always like to say that roadblocks are simply shortcuts to something better than you had planned.Your decision is which kinds of moments rule your mindset.Follow your bliss. Experience your bliss. Become your bliss.Ray