iLiving App CEO Speaks about the Concept Behind iLA

Today's Affirmation:

When opportunity knocks, I am the first one to the door!

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As some of you are aware, last week my wife and I became a part of Inspired Living App (iLA). This is a start-up company that is marrying the exploding mobile app industry with something near and dear to my heart - personal development.For just $9.95 per month I get world-class personal development content delivered to my mobile devices and access to an exciting business opportunity where I can earn residual income simply by sharing this amazing app with other people.In this 24-minute must see video, iLA CEO, John Rodgers, discusses the company and the decision to turn this special app into a business opportunity that anyone can take advantage of.[youtube=]If you're ready to learn more, I'm ready to help you get the most of this opportunity. Click here to learn how you capitalize on this opportunity.Follow your bliss. Experience your bliss. Become your bliss.RayP.S. - The app is free to download and you can subscribe to the service without becoming and iLA associate for just $6.95 per month.