Poem: Opportunity of a Forever

      "THE OPPORTUNITY OF A FOREVER"Never before in time and spacehas this moment come about;never shall it come again.our lives are built on here and now.Only fools would let this passwithout feeling what we feel.Let us be calm and let us be bold;face the fears before which we kneel.If it's our past that holds us back,then let us create a new future.One where joy fills our heartsand these feelings of ours mature.If it is failure we most fearthen let us be filled with trust.Knowing within that nothing is lostby honestly expressing our love.Copyright Ray Davis 1994Follow your bliss. Experience your bliss. Become your bliss.Ray Davis is the Founder of The Affirmation Spot and focuses on empowering minds to think positively, achieve goals, and live dreams. He is the author or the ebook The Power to Be You: Game-Changing Posidigms for Daily Life - a book of 416 original empowering quotes, thoughts, and affirmations.You also may enjoy Love and Relationship Affirmations.