Never Give Up on Your Dreams
Today's Affirmation:
"Today I am ready to convert my perseverance into success."
Quitting is the answer to your dilemma. You know you want to give up. So, do it. You have a dream, but it is just pie-in-the-sky nonsense. What are you thinking? Are you crazy?Do you really believe you could be the next great children's author. Are you really visualizing yourself sitting on Oprah's couch discussing your latest best seller? YOU??? Come on! Get real. You've sent 20 manuscripts out and how many rejection letters? That's right. 20.And you, thinking you are the next great country music star. You've made five demo records and not one call back. You've been at this for three years now. When are you going to face reality?Oh, and Mr. basketball, you have dreams of a major college scholarship and then the NBA? Yeah right! You play three minutes a game on your high school team. The coach barely knows your name. And you think you're the next Michael Jordan? Face it, my friend, basketball is a dead end for you.Do you ever have thoughts like these? Do you ever hear those around you say things like this because they "care about you"? There's always someone around to shoot down your dreams, if you are not already doing it. In some cases, it's even an expert - an editor, a coach, or record producer. I mean they know what they are talking about, right?The next time you have these kinds of thoughts I want you remember the following.His sophomore year in high school, Michael Jordan didn't even know he was the next Michael Jordan.He was cut from his high school basketball team. I don't know if that high school basketball team was unbelievably talented or the coach just wasn't a very good judge of ability. Can you imagine arguably the greatest basketball player ever cut from his basketball team? The coach was presumedly an expert.Michael could have taken the expert's word and given up. He could have taken up the vilolin or given up on school activities all together. Instead, he worked harder; became more determined. Three years later he was starting for one of the top college programs in the country and on his way to a Hall of Fame NBA career and six NBA championships.What if Michael Jordan had accepted the judgment of an expert and quit? The man revitalized a sport, gave a city with a reputation for losing the opportunity to be champions, inspired millions of young athletes, and gave every fan a highlight film that will run in their minds forever.Back in the 1920s there was an unknown cartoonist from the midwest shopping his idea for an animated cartoon featuring a mouse. Walt Disney made two cartoons featuring Mickey Mouse that were rejected by distributors. Then timing and adaptability intervened.
Disney latched on to the new sound technology in Hollywood and created a third Mickey Mouse film with sound called Steamboat Willie which debuted in New York on November 18, 1928.The mouse and Walt went on to do quite well for themselves. A major media empire and the world's number one tourist destination bear the name Disney because he believed in his idea and he did not stop at "no".Had Disney quit generations would have been deprived of the eternal childhood represented by Disney message.A retired motel and restaurant owner in his 70s spent two years driving the country pitching his secret recipe for fried chicken to restaurant owners. The story goes that Harland Sanders heard no over 1000 times before someone finally said, "yes".Today Kentucky Fried Chicken is served in more than 80 countries around the world. Everyone knows about "The Colonel's secret recipe."What is the common element here? Belief? Yes. Commitment. Sure. The real common element here is perserverence converted into success. These people pushed through their own doubts and the opinions of others to achieve their goals.They also didn't listen to the experts who said it couldn't be done. The experts thought the train, the automobile, the airplane, radio, television, and the Internet would never succeed. Experts are always learned people about "what is". They are entrenched in "what is". Experts are weak at seeing what "can be."That takes a visionary. Find a visionary who believes in you and what you are trying to accomplish. That restaurant owner who finally said yes to Colonel Sanders was a visionary.The world would have been worse off if any of these men had given up. What will the world be missing out on if you quit on your dream?So how about it? Are you up for that 21st manuscript submission? Are you ready to make another demo and make this cut the one that gets noticed? Are you ready to give a little extra at practice today and let the coach really see what you can do?If you are inspired to keep going, continue visualizing Oprah. If you are motivated to take Nashville by storm, keep seeing yourself accepting your award as newcomer of the year in country music. If you are ready to take the court with a new purpose and determination, then keep dreaming of the NBA.Others are going to call you crazy. "They" called Jordan, Disney, and Sanders crazy too. "They" called the Wright Brothers and Edison and Leonardo DaVinci crazy.You might have another bout of you calling yourself crazy. That's normal. Just don't give up on your talent, don't give up on your passion, don't give up on the promise of your dreams.Start right now by restating your dream to the universe and your commitment to achieving it. I'd be honored if you began by leaving a comment on this blog.Quitting is an answer. It is just not the right answer when it comes to your dreams.Be peaceful Be prosperousRayRay Davis is the Founder of The Affirmation Spot and focuses on empowering minds to think positively, achieve goals, and live dreams.He is the author of the Anunnaki Awakening series (2015). Book 1 - Revelation - is now available in paperback and on Kindle. This trilogy takes Ancient Aliens out of the past and into the present. An interstellar, interdimensional journey ensues with humanity's future hanging in the balance.