July 16 Affirmations
I am going to begin semi-regular topical affirmations of the day posts. These will be affirmations in several popular categories all in one post. If there is a category you'd like to see added for future posts, please leave a comment.May at least one of these hit the spot for you today!Stay inspired!Ray
- Wealth Affirmation: As my mind expands and expects wealth in my life, my wallet opens to receive it.
- Career Affirmation: Today is day! The job of my dreams is coming my way!
- Business Affirmation: Today and every day, I build my business on the foundations of integrity, determination, and vision.
- Sales Affirmation: I am the very embodiment of a sales professional. Customers are attracted to that and buy what I'm selling.
- Health Affirmation: My immune system is healthy, strong, and protecting me.
- Gym Affirmation: Step by step and rep by rep, I am building my ideal body.
- Recovery Affirmation: Moment by moment and brick by brick, I am building a life of things more important than my addiction.
- Spiritual Affirmation: My connection to spirit (God, the Universe) is stronger than ever before!
- Relationship Affirmation: When I am ready my ideal relationship appears. I am ready today!
- Writer Affirmation: Whenever I meet a blank page amazing things happen!
- Education Affirmation: Today I release my mental blocks to taking tests and ace them instead!
- Nature Affirmation: The Earth is an amazing blessing and every day I find ways to appreciate it.