Mondays of Love - The Affirmation Spot for Monday May 10, 2010

In our five-day work week world, Mondays have a very bad reputation. It's the day many of us have to leave the love, support, and fun of home life and march back out into the big world. This phenomenon has real health effects. Monday morning has been shown in studies to create a 20% spike in heart attacks, as compared to the rest of the week.There is nothing different in the water, the air, or our food on Monday. There is, however, a huge difference in the way we think about Monday morning. Stressful thoughts lead to stressful biology. We've even developed a whole cultural mindset about Mondays. Listen to the TV or the radio and you'll here phrases like "back to the grind."Monday is one-seventh of your life. Why would you spend the other six dreading it and all day on Monday hating it? Many people do. I have in the past. This something I have really tried to work on in myself.It's not Mondays that we hate. It's the stress of doing things we don't love. It's the belief that following our bliss cannot pay the bills. Instead, we conclude, we must do jobs that stress us out and fail to fulfill us.Join me today in honoring Monday as a significant part of your life. Let's all pledge to begin taking steps to do the things we love instead of things we have to do. I'm not saying it's easy. I'm just saying let's remember we have a choice.By changing our thoughts about Monday and making changes in what we get to do on Monday, we can truly restore this important day back to our lives.There is a fantastic song from the musical Rent called "Seasons of Love". It's a great pick-me-up on this Monday and I hope it reminds you that every moment - even Monday moments - are important.Stay inspired this Monday and always!Ray[youtube=]