Psychology of Seasons - A Poem By Ray A. Davis


This morning at 10:44 US Central time the northern hemisphere passed from Summer to Autumn. Seasonal changes represent more than climatic transition. They also alter our psychology.Our ancestors truly recognized and appreciated the meaning of the seasons. They celebrated and revered the cycles of the seasons.

The life that comes to be in the Spring and flourishes in Summer begins to dwindle in the Fall. Today's post is a poem I wrote in 1993. I hope it captures the magic and meaning of the transition to Fall.

Psychology of Seasons

A sun-drenched skyon windy autumn day;

Out across open fields

passing clouds make shadow play.Silent beauty in multi-hues,but ominous in a sense;for though today be delightfuldarkness soon gains precedence.Shortly days will end too soonas the leaves of autumn blow.The gods withhold their aidto the lifeforms down below.A chill permeates the airand death is all around.Evidenced by dying trees:their leaves spread on the ground.Depression need not be our course;all things must come to pass.Death is an integral part of life;perennial as fields of grass.For very soon rebirth takes placeand all springs back to life.To our hearts the glow returns,bringing end to stress and strife.Given time we come to findand perhaps appreciatethe coming of darkness and deathwho's end gives cause to celebrate.

Copyright 1993, 1997

Stay inspired!
