Farewell, Winter & a Winter Poem by My Grandmother
Today’s Affirmation
I am reminding myself that I am a great poet and I get better and better each and every day.
The universe reminds you that you are a great poet and I get better and better each and every day.
Juanita R. Davis
Juanita R. Davis - my paternal grandmother - was born on December 18, 1904. Despite debilitating conditions that began very early in life, she lived life with an undeniable vigor and spunk.
Later in life she became a prolific writer and poet. She was published in numerous newspapers and regional magazines.
She died in October 1988. Before she left this world, she inspired me in ways she knew and in ways neither she nor I can understand. Certainly, I write because of her. All these years later, she remains one of the steady influences on my life.
As we get ready to say goodbye to winter, I decided to share one grandma's many poems. It fully displays her ironic sense of humor and desbribes the unpredictability of the weather during our uneasy transition from winter to spring.
She titled it "We Take It As It Comes"
"We Take It As It Comes”
There's no accumulation
Was what forecasters said
There’s no accumulation
So had naught to dread.
I crawled beneath the covers
And went right off to sleep
The "no accumulation"s
now six inches deep.
Today I made a pathway
Almost a sidewalk wide
With "no accumulation"
Piled high on either side.
Be peaceful Be positive Be prosperous!