The Affirmation Spot - September Sale
Thursday greetings,I've mentioned in a couple of previous blogs that The Affirmation Spot website was going to launch on September 1. We were able to successfully push the site to production on that day. However, the site is still a work in progress and will be for some time to come.Someone that visited the site over the weekend wrote me to ask what had motivated me to create the site. I responded that, in my experience, no matter how confident, evolved, or enlightened we become, we all still have the very human tendency to need a boost now and again.There is always some area of our lives that we want to improve and the way we think about those things has HUGE impact on whether or not we will make those changes in our lives. Some of us are fighting personal demons. Some are just trying to condition their minds for highest possible performance in some endeavor. Some people just need a daily reminder of how important they are and how important their work is…especially when no one seems to care or say, “thank you.”The vision behind The Affirmation Spot is to become an iTunes of audio (mp3) positive thoughts, affirmations, meditations, and visualizations that can be taken anywhere you go during the day and played when and where you need to hear them.During the month of September, more than 20 affirmations on the site will be 20% off. These affirmations can be found on the front page of the site.We are very curious to know how people are using affirmations from the site. Drop me a note and let me know how you are using your affirmations and suggest any affirmations you would like to see on the site.Have a peaceful and prosperous Friday!RayThe Affirmation Spot