Healing Your Relationship with Money - 15 Affirmations for Healing Your Relationship with Money

Many of us have been conditioned negatively about money from early in our lives. We were told there was limited amounts of money. We were told it’s hard to get. We were told, “Money doesn’t grow on trees.”

I have had a love/hate relationship with money for much of my adult life. It comes from a childhood where money was always in short supply and many family arguments were around money. I, like many of you, had a lot of negativity in my consciousness about money.

That’s not even to mention ideas like “Money is the root of all evil” and “spiritual people don’t care about money.”

We have too much drama around money and it holds us back. Money is energy. Money gets us access to experiences and choices we don’t have otherwise. We can debate all day that the world shouldn’t work this way and you’d have a ready ear in me.

However, it is the world we live in today. We do have to live in that world. Cutting ourselves off from this tool because we carry a lot of negative energy around it only holds us back.

The Big Think did a great video about this topic of healing our relationship with money this week. There are some great tips on how to develop a healthier relationship with money.

Their solutions are fantastic. Tackling this money negativity is going to take several tools and strategies. I use affirmations to help me with things like this. After all, affirmations are the perfect tool for changing your mindset about…well…anything.

Inspired by the Big Think piece, I created these 15 affirmations for healing your relationship with money and mine. This is a set of affirmations I’ll have on repeat for a while myself.

Have a fantastic day and remember, wherever you are on your journey, you’re awesome!


Ray Davis