About The Affirmation Spot
Changing your thoughts can change your world. How do I know? Because it changed mine.
Ray Davis, Founder of The Affirmation Spot
Hello. I'm Ray Davis. Welcome to The Affirmation Spot.
Whether you know it or not you’re using affirmations - positive and negative - all day every day. It’s impacting your outcomes. If you don't fill your mind with thoughts of your choosing, someone else will.
If you’re ready to choose your own thoughts and create the mindsets that create the life you want, then you’ve arrived on the right website. We’re creating and amassing content meant to give you the edge you need to claim your dreams, live with wisdom and dignity, and spread the
empowerment out into the world around you every day.
We’re all about bettering ourselves, bettering each other, and bettering the world. Join us today and let’s get started on this amazing journey!
Follow your bliss. Experience your bliss. Become your bliss.