Our Subconscious Minds Are Information Vacuums

The Problem

What does it mean to put your mind on your side and why is it necessary? Throughout your life you have been exposed to information that, with and without your awareness, seeps into your subconscious mind. Often this information tells you you’re less than, limited, or not capable. Sometimes, it’s even downright destructive. It undermines your dreams for yourself and for a better world. This negativity can even be passed down from generation to generation until someone does something to stop uproot these unconscious drivers. Everyone from advertisers to your parents to that kid on the playground in second grade, have planted disempowering thoughts in your consciousness and you have magnified them for years by believing them and repeating them over and over to yourself. Effectively, you’ve been using “negative affirmations” that have held you back.

This has gone on until the process is instantaneous and completely unconscious when you face a challenge or an opportunity in your life. Those autopilot rants go off in your mind, steering you clear of the person you came to the planet to be.

A Solution

Affirmations are one tool that can help you root out that old thinking and replace it with something more empowering and productive. Those thoughts have been entrenched for decades and years. Saying or listening to an affirmation a few times will do no good. Affirmations succeed through repetition and belief.

Based on 30 years of personal experience and research, we create recordings that allow you to choose empowering words and ideas to feed your subconscious and re-program all that negativity. Like the negative thoughts that are there now, these new thoughts need time to work. Repetition, belief, and action are the three keys to using affirmations that actually transforms your thinking and your life.

Whether you’re flying high in life and just wanting to get your mindset to a new level or you’re at rock bottom and ready to climb back up, affirmations are a key tool for training your mind for that challenge.

Remember this! Your mind is an information vacuum. Someone is filling it full of thoughts. It might as well be you.


How About Some Affirmations?

Watch or listen on YouTube, bookmark for future visits, or download these affirmations for your personal playlist. Use the affirmations regularly, at least once a day at first. Listen to them both when you can focus and really absorb the words and at times when the words can go around your conscious mind directly to your subconscious mind. Listening while you sleep or at a low level while working, working out, or driving make great opportunities to listen passively.